Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
After a bright Hanukkah, and a sweet Christmas, I wanted to give thanks for everything I have. In the new year, I hope to get back to blogging regularly and share all the knitting, kid and cool stuff that I can.
Merry Christmas.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I Can't See the Stars
I tell him thanks and will do because I don't have the heart to say that from my front stoop on a relatively clear night, I can't see any stars. Just streetlights and claustrophobic rowhouses.
I have to admit, I didn't even make the effort to go look. And that makes me feel particularly awful, considering I can remember being as young as 6 and my dad waking me up in the middle of the night because we could see Saturn's rings clearly in the telescope.
I need a break.
I know I get like this sometimes when the days get shorter and colder. It's just compounded this year that there are two small, noisy, wiggly beings to wrestle into cold-weather gear and it takes a half-hour to get out the door on a good day.
So my apologies for not blogging. There has been knitting occurring. Maybe I can pull it together enough to show you from vacation. I'm contemplating taking my computer.
I just need a break.
(HA! Now I don't feel as bad: Check this out.)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
As my astute readers will notice, I did not post any of the blog ramblings that I promised the other day. I am still battling this cold, and it's only slowly going away. But this week, I promise...more pictures and more posts.
Besides I have to tell you about my awesome husband's plans for the stash room...I love the Cap'n.
There are lots of things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving: Good kids, good friends, good family and one great Cap'n. (Oh, and yarn.) ((But maybe not sweater patterns. Grr.)
More later...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Kvetch First, Knit Later
1. I am in a Pretty Miserable Situation. PMS, get it?
2. Both kids have spent the last week sick with a fever and sniffly noses. But, you know, on alternating days. Cuz that's how they roll.
3. Another person who also lives in our house is sick and waiting for the Big Ole Boat O' Sympathy to dock at his harbor. But it's not gonna. It crashed into the Iceberg O' Apathy and sank to the bottom of Couldn't Care Less Bay. Because....
4. I am sick. Wah.
5. And today the boys are feeling a bit better. So much so that they decided to take alternating naps and keep me up ALL. DAY. LONG.
6. Did I mention I only got about 4 hours of sleep last night?
Okay, kvetch over. Let's see why these children make it through to see each new day.
Grampy and Grammy pimped our park ride. Swwwwweeeet.
So I like finished a baby sweater? In like a week? And it's like totally awesome? But like, I have no pictures? Because it's like, way too dark? And apparently I've like, been possessed by a Valley Girl?
Tell ya what I'll do. Because I'm in a listing mood, I'll tell you what posts you can expect in the week coming up, and you can tune in if something interests you. Or just to place bets on whether I actually blog when I say I'm going to. (I would not take that one if I were you.)
1. The Harlot's Hat, or Happy Belated Birthday to Me
2. In Which I'm Liable to Kvetch More About Being Sick (gotta save room for this one)
3. Super Secret Knitting, or Why Knit for Warm People?
4. Baby Sweater Uno
5. Baby Sweater Dos
6. Travel Knitting That Answers the Question of Whether I Cast On Madly for Two Fingering Weight Hats Tomorrow to Finish in a Week
7. Happy Thanksgiving!
See you at the races...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Oh, Burger Cheese!
I really, really am trying to reduce the amount of curse words that I throw around. But can I get an "amen" that it is very difficult to do at 5:30am when you went to bed at 1am and have been woken up at least 2-3 times for nursing duty?
The problem is that EVERYTHING Slim hears, he repeats.
After an "oh, f*#@" out of him today while I was changing his diaper, I apologized to him and told him that Mommy shouldn't say that and neither should he. I made some suggestions like "oh, cheeseburger" and "oh, dinosaurs" to say instead when he (and I) are frustrated.
So while we were downstairs feeding the Little Lion, and he could see that it was difficult for me, he said, "Mommy, oh burger cheese!"
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Cute Photo Post
The Little Lion has started eating solid food, and this is a photo of his first day with rice cereal. This week, his first tooth (bottom right) popped out. It's strange how the time has passed more quickly with Number 2 vs. Number 1.
I've been knitting, and I have more posts to share with you now that the photos are downloaded. But it's late, and the noisy dishwasher is getting on my nerves, so I've got to get upstairs.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Trick or Treat
Four big bags of candy will last you just over an hour.
Note to self: Next year, more.
Pirate Slim had a good time and took his first picture of himself with the camera. The Little Lion helped pass out candy, and one of the neighborhood kids helped me decorate the porch.
Knitting on a super-secret project is proceeding, and all is well. (Except the pictures being held hostage on the camera....)
Happy Halloween, y'all. I'm off to bed.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Hellllooooo, Giant Time Suck!
A) I am a mother of two small children. Free Pass for Life! Or Until They Turn 18!
B) My husband is trying to tear out our kitchen within the next month. I want to let him, but except for, you know, the subsequent lack of a kitchen.
C) I really am going to apply to law school. Really. This year. Really. I swear.
D) I have been writing. Fiction, of all things.
E) I got off my lazy butt, found that Ravelry invitation from July (!) and joined.
Oh. My. God. Why am I such a loser who gets an invitation to join all the cool knitting kids online, and then I sit on it for three months?
(I'm muthaknitter if you're on there and wanna friend me. heehee.)
So I put in all the books I could remember off the top of my head (23) and all the WIPs I'm going to publicly admit to (5) and joined some groups. (Look, ma, friends!) I have already spent an inordinate amount of time surfing patterns and people.
In fact, I think Ravelry will help me redeem the unmitigated disaster that is my first sweater. You know, the World's Warmest Sweater of Buttery Goodness (TM) first blogged about in February 2006. Yep, you heard the year right.
It deserves a post all its own, with the horror properly documented in pictures. The Cap'n has agreed to photograph the evidence. And should I ever get out of this hell known as No SD Card Reader, I will be able to download the photos to my computer and blog them.
Because really, the adorability that is the Little Lion's sweater, the coolness that is the Harlot's hat, the wonder that is Lady Eleanor (finally fringed this weekend!) should not be missed.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The State of Things
So there's been a load of clean laundry in the basket waiting to be folded for 4 days. The other basket is MIA. (Apparently, there is thing in the house called the "laundry room"? Must check to see if it joined friends there...)
So what else is there to do with the three loads of laundry that have piled up in the last 4 days besides kick it out of three rooms (kids bdrm, master bdrm, bthrm) and down the stairs?
No, really. Kick it.
Besides making me laugh at my abominable housekeeping skills, it is an A.W.E.S.O.M.E. way to get rid of the dog hair collecting on the stairs.
Plus: It feels good.
Onward and upward, I say.
Blog posts are pecolating in my head, and except for crapped-out photo thingy, you would have scintillating musings to read and pictures to peruse about a knitting goddess, a FO and a surprise new thingy. (NOTE TO GRANDPARENTS: Your grandchildren's photos are being held hostage on an SD card by a malfunctioning card reader, courtesy of your grandsons who like to pull computer cords and short them out. Save the cuteness.)
But sometimes, truly, life does get in the way of knitting. Those law school apps won't write themselves, alas. And social services truly frowns on feral children.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
How Harry Potter Almost Ruined My Marriage
The Cap'n and I have been late arrivals to the Harry Potter phenomenon. We only started reading Book 1 to each other in the car on the way to NYC in June. We finished it just before he left for Iraq.
I read Book 2 and Book 3 in a day each before he left, so he took those with him to Iraq.
I was no better than him...when the boys and I traveled to Indiana to visit my family, I took full advantage of the free babysitting and devoured Book 4. Before I even finished, I sent my stepdad out on a mad hunt for Books 5 and 6. I ended up finishing Book 7 in a night (9:00pm to 4:30am).
I still miss reading the books. I am glad that I was able to read the series in one go and not have to wait in between installments. I really thought they were marvelous, a tad overwritten, but a wonderful story with great characters. I wish they had been around when I was going through my teenage angst. I thought she did a great job of capturing what it means to grow into oneself.
The Cap'n remained a skeptic through Book 3. "They're okay," I believe I heard. When we got back from Ocracoke, he started on Book 4.
And that's when Harry Potter almost ruined my marriage.
For the last three weeks, the Cap'n's preferred bedtime companions have been those not-so-little volumes of Books 4 and 5. He finished Book 4 sometime after midnight one night and immediately cracked Book 5.
His schedule has been staying up to 2 or 3 in the morning to read, and sleeping in late. We do recall, do we not, when the children wake up? Let's just average it out to 6 a.m., to take into account those 5:30 mornings and those 7:00 mornings.
Some of those mornings, the Cap'n was very lucky that I couldn't make the Avada Kedavra work.
So back on the Grand Tour of 2007, I left Books 6 and 7 in NC so my dad could read them. They are still there, and are going to stay for a while. Maybe the Cap'n can have them around Thanksgiving and Christmas, so he has a few days to dedicate to them.
We're going to have to parcel out the remaining Potter.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Warsh the Slate Clean
This thing on?
Hello again.
What do you say we just warsh the slate clean? Start afresh. Forget the last three and a half months and call it a new day, a new blog, a new muthaknitter.
A humble warshcloth. The Mason-Dixon ballband warshcloth, to be exact.
It's one of a matched pair, out of the incomparable Sugar 'n' Cream cotton in red and Christmas colors (red, green and white). Two balls, two warshclothes. Both gifted in thanks for a wonderful vacation on Ocracoke Island after three very stressful months.
And, yes. Those are the only two knitted objects I have managed to complete in months. Thanks for asking.
Let's see. When last we left the Muthaknitter, much excitement was brewing re: a new house, a new baby and a move.
"Let me 'splain. No. There is too much. Let me sum up." -- Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride
Bullet points for brevity:
- We moved.
- The floors weren't quite done.
- They fixed them.
- Then we unpacked.
- My sister visited, and she helped us unpack some more.
- The Cap'n packed for Iraq.
- I tried to find a renter for the new house so I could travel.
- The two renters I found fell through.
- I packed the boys and I for a long trip.
- The Cap'n left for Iraq.
- The boys and I drove 3200 miles to Indiana, NC and Brooklyn.
- I read all 7 Harry Potter books in 3 weeks.
- The Cap'n came back from Iraq.
- We left for Ocracoke for vacation.
- We came back from Ocracoke.
- We unpacked again.
- The Little Lion turned 6 months.
- My sister came to visit. (We didn't make her unpack this time.)
- I celebrated my 31st birthday.
- The Cap'n's dad is visiting.
I know I'm forgetting some things, but you get the idea. It's been busy. I am tired. Really, bone-numbingly exhausted. Not "gee, I sure would like a nap," but more like pin-a-note-on-my-shirt "You must remember not to shake the children" tired.
No one told me how things change when the kids outnumber you. They are on tag-team nap schedules, and one likes to get up early and the other stay up late. It's a good damn thing they're cute, or they would have been on the evening news by now.
I am going to try to blog a little each week to dip my toes back in the bloggy water. I've been inspired by the new Vogue Knitting, and really want to start some new things. But I'm also anxious to put a few FOs behind me, and with some fringe here, a sleeve there, I should be able to make progress on them.
Anywho, a jolly hello out there to any readers I have left. I've missed the blog, and I promise to keep you all up to date on the new and improved Chez Muthaknitter, blogging from the block, NOFla-style. (That's north of Florida, for you DCizens.)
I leave you with the clan on the Hatteras to Ocracoke ferry, safe and sound and happy after a summer of moving and traveling. (Shiny, happy people alert!)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Things I Have Learned...
That I will dig through previously mentioned, menacingly large Pile O' Boxes to dig out the photo retriever thingy from the first knitting box because I love my loyal blog readership. (Hi, you two! Or on good days, three!) And we can have a proper, photo post.
Dining room past
Dining room present
Yeah, the laptop accessories reside in the knitting bag(s). That way I know where they are. It's called "creative use of space."So, anyway, I finished packing the last of the boxes that we still had left over from our move two years ago. You win a gold star if you noticed the sentence construction: "finished packing the last of the boxes," as opposed to "finished packing." Wow. We have a lot of stuff.
Until the Cap'n brings home more boxes tonight, I'm hanging out with the D-Boys and grabbing a little blogging and knitting time. Yay, me!
Slim had his 2-year checkup and measured tall and thin (25th percentile). The doc wasn't worried, though, so his nickname sticks. And she said his picky eating habits weren't anything to stress about either.Now for some FO action...I know the suspense has been unbearable. I proudly unveil to you...
(Not exactly what you were expecting, huh?)
But it's a very special square. For one thing, it's going to go to Laura to help Rebuild Greensburg as soon as it gets a nice SOAK. Secondly, it's made from a leftover skein of Noro Kureyon from my Lady Eleanor. I believe it's colorway 188.
I can't tell you how much the Lady Eleanor knit saved my sanity during the middle of night feeding sessions post-delivery. I learned so much doing it, and I loved every minute. Until I can do a proper photoshoot (and knot the damn fringe!), I'm going to hold off unveiling the shawl. But I wanted to pass along the love of this yarn and the pretty colors that I got to enjoy. I hope it makes someone else feel happy in Kansas.
Now that it's quiet in the house (both boys asleep at once! Woo! And Hoo!) I'm going to watch Reno 911! and work on my most favorite current WIP, the Stripz sweater from Minnowknits out of Manos Cotton Stria.
The Cap'n pointed out that it would be smarter to only make sweaters for Slim, that way both boys would get to enjoy them. But that logical observation was made after I finished the back, so this one's just for Little Baby. Slim will get plenty of sweaters in the future. Besides, doesn't Little Baby look happy to get a new sweater?
Reason #38475 Why I Hate Moving
Yard sale, anyone?
Blog posting may be a little slow this week. The movers come Friday and we're nowhere near ready.
I know I've been teasing you with talk of an FO and some mighty cute WIPs, but I have to find more boxes first. Despite living in this cramped little space, our stuff has multiplied.
Much like the dog hair tumbleweeds that I'm pulling from every corner...
Hopefully we can quickly get the wireless up next week at our new house, but a higher priority is getting the gas turned on. No cold showers for me, thanks.
Back to the coal mines...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
A Day of Note
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
FOcused on the Positive
Monday, June 11, 2007
Made in the Shade
[Translation: I want cold pizza!]
The Cap'n says he's now prepared for his Animal House college days.
We had a wonderful pool party to celebrate his birthday early. Slim and Little Baby got decked out in their summerwear.
Oy. Work on the house is already attempting to drain the bank account. More on that and yarn-related news tomorrow...
Friday, June 01, 2007
A House and a Home
On Thursday, the Cap'n and I got the keys (and a hefty mortgage) to our first house here in D.C. We're so excited to be moving out of the cramped little apartment we've called home for 2 years now. Although, I am starting to feel twinges of nostalgia about it being the first place Little Baby came home to.
I have to admit, I've been feeling a little down lately, a little stressed/anxious/depressed. I think I'm coming around, but it's been difficult. So I appreciate you hanging in there with fewer blog postings.
I am hoping that the next month of packing and moving will yield some positive excitement, though probably not a lot of knitting time.
However, I'll try to post tonight or tomorrow with some exciting knitting/yarn content...some of it my FO, some of it other FOs, some of it straight-up yarn pr0n.
As JenLa said recently: "We've got a blockage!!"
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Knit Update
Wow. I love it.
Probably most of anything I've made so far.
There's one more UFO that I want to get done over the next week, and I will count myself very successful. But it's being a real pill, so I may get frustrated with it and toss it back in the storage bag.
What to cast on next?
Possum in the Day
Monday, May 14, 2007
A Meme on Mother's Day
Okay, I'm tagging Caroline, Carrie, Laura, Lolly, Karida, Hannah, Sarah-Hope and Maryse. My feelings won't be hurt if you don't do it, but it was fun!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Just Keeping Track
Here's a meme I caught at Miss Ewe's to tally up knitting you've done or plan to do. Fun.
Items in bold have been or are being knit.
Items in italics are ones you plan to knit.
Leave the rest plain.
Socks: top-down
Socks: toe-up
Mittens: Cuff-up
Mittens: Tip-down
Toy/doll clothing (unintentionally: the first hat I made Slim fits his teddy bear)
Baby items
Graffiti knitting
Household items (dishcloths, washcloths, tea cosies…)
Stuffed toys
Cuffs/fingerless mits/armwarmers
Hair accessories
Garter stitch
Stockinette stitch
Moebius band knitting
Drop stitch patterns
Slip stitch patterns
Domino knitting (=modular knitting)
Twisted stitch patterns
Two end knitting
Continental knitting
American/English knitting
Cable stitch patterns (incl. Aran)
Lace patterns
Fair Isle knitting
Norwegian knitting
Holiday related knitting
Knitting smocking
Textured knitting
Kitchener stitch
Long Tail CO
Knitting and purling backwards
Tubular CO
Short rows
Thrummed knitting
Knitting with metal wire
Knitting with camel yarn
Knitting with silk
Knitting with recycled/secondhand yarn
Knitting with banana fiber yarn
Knitting with bamboo yarn
Knitting with circular needles
Knitting with soy yarn
Knitting with your own handspun yarn
Knitting with alpaca
Knitting socks (or other small tubular items) on one or two circulars
Knitting with someone else’s handspun yarn
Knitting with dpns
Knitting with cotton
Knitting two socks on two circulars simultaneously
Knitting with wool
Knitting with beads
Knitting with self patterning/self striping/variegated yarn
Knitting with cashmere
Knitting with synthetic yarn
Knitting with linen
Knitting with dog/cat hair (again, unintentionally: Mia's hair is part of everything I make.)
Participating in a KAL
Charity knitting
Designing knitted garments
Publishing a knitting book
Teaching a child to knit
Knitting to make money
Dying with plant colors
Knitting items for a wedding
Teaching a male how to knit
Knitting for a living
Dying yarn
Knitting art
Machine knitting
Writing a pattern
Knitting for preemies
Freeform knitting
Knitting a pattern from an online knitting magazine
Knitting on a loom
Knitting a gift
Knitting for pets
Knitting in public
Monday, May 07, 2007
Break On Through
Other side of stress, other side of exhaustion.
There's not been nearly enough knitting on this blog lately, or in real life. One block at a time, I have made it to the two-thirds point on the Lady Eleanor stole. She's going slower as she gets longer, but it is going to be fabulous when I'm finished.
It's hard to knit and sleep at the same time, and with Little Baby up most of the night, I need to fit in more sleeping while they nap.
More photos when I can...
Friday, May 04, 2007
Cute Overload
Okay, by popular demand (of the grandparents), I have officially sent the cuteness quotient at Flickr through the roof. I think this is the page. I like the Flickr function for posting photos to the blog, but I need to fiddle with the photo size settings when it posts. Also, should I get a Pro account to have multiple sets? Anyone? Bueller?
Anywho, I am completely overwhelmed. I need to take deep breath, make some to-do lists and knock through everything. I'm a little freaked out by it all: babies, house, moving, weight loss/exercise plan, etc. Oh, and yeah, I do need to get working on those law school apps for next year.
A knitting blog post I read (can't remember where) said this one time: We don't do anything half-assed around here. It's whole-assed or not at all.
I love that. So we're going at it whole-assed around here.
Hopefully I'm just not making an ass(w)hole of myself while doing it.
FYI, I know I did not post a Weight Loss Wednesday update. I did not weigh myself, but I don't feel like I'm losing anything. I know I did not exercise enough (no yoga...boo), and I was hitting the chocolate.
I did jog a couple days, though, and I could feel the difference in my energy level on those days. So I am going to rededicate myself to the exercise portion of my weight loss plan and try again on the salad additions. Wish me luck.
(The coffeeshop where I am blogging from ((on my free afternoon!! Thank you, Cap'n!!)) gave me a free iced latte and I am about to vibrate through the roof. How is it I can drink Diet Coke day in and day out, and one coffee sends me flying?)
There is so much to blog about, but I'm also supposed to be working on a budget and bill paying. Remind me to show you the baby knit(and quilt) additions next time...
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
The Heart of Our City
Yesterday, Eastern Market caught fire and burned. Flames from a dumpster climbed up to the roof and gutted the building.
The Cap'n came home late from work the night before last and woke me up saying, "Eastern Market is on fire. It's gone." I couldn't understand what he was saying. Even after taking a jog down there in the morning, I'm having a hard time imagining living here without the market.
We visit the market at least twice a week. I can reel off each one of the stands in order, starting with the lunch counter: seafood, Union Meat, Canales Meats, pasta, deli, The Sweet Shop, veggies, poultry, cheese, Calomiris and Sons veggies, Market Poultry, and flowers. On the weekends, people come from miles around for the outdoor farmers' stands and flea market.
Flora and Tom at Calomiris always give Slim a banana everytime we go by. Mr. Inman at Market Poultry sells awesome duck, which the Cap'n has turned into the most fabulous confit. The Cap'n also has trained Slim into a real taste for the Russian tea cookies at the sweets counter.
And it's gone.
I've sent a letter to Mayor Fenty to encourage him to live up to his promise to rebuild the market. Now is not the time to debate where to find the resources or funding, it's time to restore the history that our community has lost.
It's hard to realize that you most miss something when it's gone. Now I wish I had taken more photos of the inside of the market so you could see what it was like. I don't have any photos of the fire, but there are some online at the Post.
I want to be able to take Little Baby back there for his banana from the Calomiris stand, too.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
On Vacay
I just wanted to post quickly to the blog to test the Flickr posting function and show off one of the pictures our friends took of us while on vacation in South Carolina.
Little Baby and I are off on the bus to meet the rest of the crew at the Arboretum after they pick up our Safta.
I have much to tell: baby handknits in the wild (and more on the way!), clicking while I walk, etc.
More soon!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Growing and Growing
HAHAHAHAHA. I crack myself up.
Little Baby is definitely growing alongside Lady Eleanor. At 5 weeks, he weighed in at the Breastfeeding Center at 10 pounds, 13 ounces. That's 2.5 pounds in 5 weeks!! Can I get a woot-woot?? He's not so little anymore. (Toys shared by big brother.)
When I took Baby Dos downtown to the doctor, I actually took out the Jaywalkers for the first time in almost 6 weeks. I've been utterly monogamous (and loving it!) with Lady Eleanor since Little Baby's birth, but like I said, she wasn't going to make a Metro trip with me and Little Baby in the sling.
So the socks are growing by a few rows, though I hate to work on anything else while I've got such momentum on the Lady.
The stash has grown a little, but only from prize yarn. I won this lovely, soft Merino Oro laceweight yarn in an oatmeal color from Wanda. Thank you, Wanda! It's perfect for a lace shawl. Leave me comments on your favorite patterns....
Our excitement over the house is growing too. I don't know if I've mentioned this on the blog before, but right now the Cap'n and I sleep on the futon in the living room with Little Baby nearby while Slim has the entire bedroom to himself. It's the only way that any of us can get any sleep in this 550-sf apartment.
I can't wait to sleep in my own bed in my own bedroom again! July can't come soon enough...
P.S. I tell you: Stay-at-home mothering can be good for the soul. As I was dancing around the living room this afternoon singing and acting silly, both boys had eyes only for their momma. Great times.
Of course, they were probably thinking, "How did we end up here?"
Weight Loss Wednesday
I don't have a new weight to post. Since we don't own a scale, I'm not actually monitoring the numbers that closely. I don't want to focus solely on the weight.
I'll focus on the positive: This is me after coming back from my first run post-baby. Instead of focusing on my lack of a waist. Oh well. Moving on.
Isn't amazing (yeah, amazingly horrible) how it takes a photo to really show you how things are, and not how you think they are? I mean, I knew my bedroom was messy, but I didn't know it was that messy! Ha, ha.
Since last week my exercise routine included:
- A yoga class with Slim
- A yoga class by myself
- A 4.5 mile beach walk
- A 2.8 mile power walk
- A 1.8 mile run/walk
I've been going online to try to build up more support for this weight loss journey. I'm taking Lolly's recommendation to use Peer Trainer as another online community for people looking to lose weight. It has an online log to keep track of your food and exercise, which I need to keep me accountable. I also used this calculator to figure out my BMI, as part of my motivation to lose weight.
I wish I had something funny or inspiring to say about this, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed about trying to lose this much weight after taking my picture this morning. I know that I eventually lost weight after the first baby, but it took a year and then I got pregnant again.Baby steps, right? (I can't type that without thinking of that movie. Now that's funny.)
Monday, April 23, 2007
Home Again, Home Again...
The wedding this weekend in South Carolina was beautiful, and we had a great time celebrating with friends we had not seen in a while. The drive was long, but both boys did well. I also got in some good knitting time on Lady Eleanor. I'll try to get more photos up as soon as I find my camera.
We had more than just the wedding to celebrate, too. Our house offer was accepted!
There's so much going on right now...as usual. Life is never boring around Chez Muthaknitter. I'll try to update more tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Bloggy Inspirations
Laura issued a weight loss challenge Monday. I'm now one month post-baby, and I am itching to get into shape and fit into my old clothes. One could say that controlling my weight would be a way for me to get control over at least some area of my life amidst the chaos of baby, toddler and house searching.
If one had ever taken Psych 101. (See what you get when you visit my blog? Sarcasm for free. You're welcome.)
I did not gain as much with Baby Dos, but I am way over what I was pre-Slim. But more importantly, I don't feel like I'm in shape. I'm getting back to walking a lot (44 blocks yesterday pushing 50 lbs of stroller and kids!) but I'm not sure if I could run around the park.
I have a life goal (probably not this year, but maybe next) of running a marathon. And as my dad, a longtime runner, said, I should probably be able to run at least around the block before actually starting marathon training.
I also want to learn how to eat healthier. It's always been my weakness, and many years ago, I had a particularly unhealthy relationship with food and eating. I am addicted to sweet things, and I want to learn how to say no to candy bars and yes to green things.
So I'm going to join Laura's Weight Loss Challenge and try to meet some goals while cheering my fellow knitbloggers on in their weight loss goals. Here we go:
Deadline: September 23, my 31st birthday (I wanna be one hot mama in my 30s!)
Starting weight: 186
Goal weight: 156 (pre-baby weight) In 22 weeks, this should be doable.
Exercise goal: Twice weekly yoga practice and running 10 miles a week
Food goal: Eating a salad for one meal everyday (with or without additional courses)
Like Laura, I want the blog to keep me honest and accountable. I will try to update the blog every week or so, and I'll get the Cap'n to take a starting photo of me tomorrow. Luck to all of us!!
Carrie talked recently about the crumbs of life. I've been thinking about the image of crumbs when I think of how my time is broken up into tiny pieces while spending 24/7 meeting the needs of two tiny human beings who rely on me. I think back to the years BK (before kids), and I miss the time I had alone to myself to daydream, to read and to just take naps whenever I felt like it. (Imagine what kind of knitting I could have accomplished!)
Sometimes, even though I know I'm doing an important job taking care of the boys, I question if I've lost my way. I wonder if I'll only be known from now on as someone's mom, and not as my own person. I wonder if I've left the path I was supposed to be on in life.
I think I'm tired and need sleep.
But back to blogging...all I have now are crumbs of time to blog, to knit, to shower, to exercise, to kiss my husband, to read, to sleep. I have to make do, somehow. I have to get more organized, to make each of those moments count. It's all I can do.
Hannah asked what inspires us. It reminded me that I've also been meaning to do a regular blog posting on the "Everyday Creative." I am often inspired by the things around me in my home. We have alot of the Cap'n's mom's artwork and some fiber pieces that I'd like to feature on the blog as they inspire me. They help me take advantage of those crumbs of time as they come along.
I guess I'm one lucky knitter.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Feeling the Love
There are two restless, but still napping babies in the house, so after getting a couple more stitches in on Lady Eleanor, I want to get down some thoughts in the peace and quiet.
We've got the love around here.
Brotherly love...
This one pretty much sums up their personalities: Slim with his mouth open talking or screaming and Little Baby with his eyebrows knitted up as if to say, "what's with him?" (And Lady Eleanor resting in the background...)
Slim adores the Little Baby. He wants to hug him and pat him and share toys with him. And pacis, let's not forget those.
Perhaps I've got to get a new strategy. Think like the Spartans at the Hot Gates and outmaneuver the siege. Those boys haven't gotten me pinned down yet.
Baby Love...
He's such a good baby, a good eater (not so much a sleeper) and already starting to smile. I adore him, just like I do Slim, but in a different way. And he's fit in so well to the family. It's like he already wants to be sitting up and taking part in the conversation around him.
Our Excellent Adventure continues. (KnittinSis thought it was a "Bill and Ted.") I can't believe how easy our new Phil & Ted is to maneuver and get out and around the neighborhood. It was expensive, but it's already paid off.
Knitterly Love...
The Lady Eleanor went on a ride with the Cap'n, our realtor and I to look at more houses. I'm 2/5 of the way through the tiers of rectangles, but just now through 1/3 of the yarn, so I think I may end up making it a little longer. I'm going to use up every smidgen of Noro I have.
Neighborly Love?
We put in an offer on a second house that I like better than the first one we tried for. I am crossing my fingers. There were a bunch of kids' toys on the porch next door, so we might even have some neighborhood play buddies for the boys. I like the location of this house better (closer to stuff to walk to) and it's in much better/move-in condition. Send some house vibes our way.
I'm going to take credit for inspiring Kingman Park (my favorite!). Go. Look. I dare you not to love it.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Knittin' Mama
When KnittinSis came to town with Uncle Ben, we couldn't miss my LYS's Daylight Savings Savings yarn sale. Since Uncle Ben was along as Slim's babysitter, KnittinSis and I waddled (okay, that was just me) through the store fondling yarn and debating patterns.
I did acquire some Claudia's in February for my new Jaywalkers (still OTN), but that had been my only stash enhancement since December. And with 20 percent off storewide, I had a hard time resisting, especially one of my favorite yarns.
And Now...
An Ode to Worsted Weight Yarn Made By Noro
Kureyon, how I love thee.
Let me count the ways...
You keep my sanity
in late night knitting/feeding sessions.
You fascinate me
with your color changes.
All hail the power of entrelac blocks.
And the speed of knitting
with worsted weight yarn.
Ever since the Cap'n gave me his first knitting-related present (two Hannukahs ago) of Scarf Style, I have ogled the Lady Eleanor stole, both in the book and at the KAL. Mostly, I fell in love with the name and the description at first. The entrelac? Eh.
But coming across Kureyon on sale was too tempting to resist. I knew it would look beautiful in the stole pattern. So it came home with me from Stitch. All mumbletwelvemumble balls. KnittinSis walked out with some stash enhancement too, but I'll let her comment on it, since I can't remember all of it. Plus I think some of it is maybe for a surprise present??
In that first week home from the hospital with Little Baby, I cast on for Lady Eleanor one night around 2am. I was the only one awake, feeding Little Baby and staring longingly at my knitting bookshelf across from the couch. All I had to work on were the Jaywalkers and a laceweight scarf in a Feather and Fan pattern. I needed something big, and I needed something fast.
That first tier of half triangles looked like ass. No joke. I had swatched on both the US10.5 needles called for in the pattern and with US11s. I went with the 11s because it got me better gauge. But in that first row, the fabric on US11s was really loose. It really didn't start looking like something until the second full tier.
I am really happy with my choice of needles, though. The Knitpicks Options set made it really easy to switch out the needle size on the swatch, and I've really enjoyed working with them.
And this project has forced me to learn a new skill: knitting backwards. Actually, I mastered purling backwards first, and only now, at Tier 10 out of 35 have I got the knitting backwards thing down. I checked out this tutorial and this Knitty advice beforehand. My difficulty in picking up the knitting backwards trick is because I purl Combination style and had trouble figuring out how to wrap the yarn coming backwards.
But if you've made it this far, you deserve a picture of the Lady Eleanor progress so far. A row here and there over about a month adds up! I'm almost done with ball 3, and am more than 1/4 of the way through the tiers of entrelac blocks.
There are still those days, but the three of us got out of the house this morning in our great green rocketship, aka the new Phil and Ted stroller for the boys. I love its maneuverability and lightness, and I'm even able to still make my grocery runs with both boys.
I'm also contemplating starting a new blog with daily updates of pics and baby news, but that's just in my head so far. I'll let you know if something comes of it. I'm thinking of calling it the D Boys blog, but check out the urban definition. Maybe not.
And hopefully we'll have a house update by next week. More searching tomorrow...
It never stops at Chez Muthaknitter.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Time Flies...
I am sorry it's been two weeks since I blogged. I have been writing blog entries in my head at 3:30 in the morning while little baby and I have been up together. But it's so hard to type one-handed, I haven't sat down at the computer to even check email.
There's all sorts of news to blog, but we'll have to give the bulleted version:
- Baby is a charming little thing, growing like a weed and eating through the night. At two weeks he was already at 9 lbs, 3 oz., a pound up from birthweight.
- Slim has run a high fever over 103 for two days, but we think it's just a sore throat and not strep. We hope.
- We put an offer in on a house, got countered, came up and countered again, and were rejected. The home owner thinks she is sitting on a gold mine. One that happens to be eaten up with termite damage and in need of a complete renovation. It's one of those things that makes me hate living in D.C. But we can't give up. If we add one more toy, onesie or Cheerio to this tiny little apartment, us 'rents are going to go nuts.
- Grandpa DiDa and Grammy had good visits with the D-boys. Hopefully we'll get more visits with the fam, maybe in a house with more room.
- Knitting has been happening...slowly. But it sure does help with the sanity-keeping.
- We made our first out of town trip with both boys, taking a wonderful break outside of Philly on the farm. Little Baby got to go to his first play, an interesting production about a hostage-taking situation.
- I have seen the movie "Cars" four times in a week. Thank goodness the soundtrack is good.
There are cute, new pics waiting to be downloaded from the cameras, but I'm back to cuddling a sick kiddo and typing one-handed, so it'll have to wait. It'll give me a good reason to take new pics of the knitting project, too.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Where The Boys Are
Hi-dee-ho, early motherhood!
It's going well...busy and exhausting. There was even a round of sock knitting finished on that Metro ride, but I would hazard a guess that these are going to be the Jaywalkers that never end, based on my current rate of stitching.
In one of those nights up on the couch with My (new) Brest Friend and the baby, I did start a worsted weight project to save my sanity. I'll probably put the knitting in a separate post for those just here for the baby pictures.
(ETA: Thank you so much for all the warm wishes and congratulations and emails! I so appreciate it, and I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to write back to everyone yet. If I owe you an email, give me a little more time. I hate typing one-handed.)
Saturday, March 17, 2007
March is in like a...
Leo is here!
This is Knittin' Sis checking in with a quick post for all of you waiting on baby and mom news.
First, the stats:
Born on Friday, 3/16/07 at 11:26am
Weighing in at 8lbs 2oz and 19.5 inches long
Marsha Stalcup, Certified Nurse Midwife, assisted in the delivery. As you may recall, this means Leo's mama must relinquish those yummy socks she put on the line in her deal with the universe. Mama reports that the delivery went well and Marsha was a huge help. Mama also reports that the Cap'n was wonderfully calming and supportive.
In the photo above, Leo is enjoying the coziness of a handknit baby blanket made with love by Renee.
Knittin' Sis/Auntie and Uncle Ben got to spend lots of time with Slim this week as Mama tried to relax despite being many days overdue. I guess the relaxing evening Mama spent with the Cap'n did the trick as her labor started without medical intervention.
Mama promises to put pictures of Leo in his handknits for an upcoming post. For know, I'll put up some of the photos we took at the hospital.
Knittin' Auntie just got finished with matching booties for Leo's sweater and hat ensemble. I intended to have them done before Leo got here...and he certainly tried to cooperate by staying in Mama's belly for several extra days...but my days were filled with fun with Slim, and I just finished the booties on the long drive back to Indiana. They'll be headed to DC on Monday. Luckily, I have no concept of the size of baby feet, so these booties turned out quite big and will hopefully fit Leo for several weeks.
Lots of love to my Sis, the Cap'n, Slim, and Leo. What a wonderful family!