Thursday, February 09, 2006

Today's Randomness

So I've been thinking a lot today about approaching this blog post as I would have written a feature story. (In a short past life, I was a reporter for a small community newspaper.)

What is my theme? What's the nutgraph of today's activities? A short chronology:

1. Early rising with the kiddo after late turning in with husband. We stayed up to watch "The Hunting of the President." Some of the production (photo montages in particular) was annoying at first, but it was thought provoking and scary, as far as what people with money are capable of buying and having done for them.

2. Dog walking

3. Folding 7 loads of laundry. A personal family best for number of loads at one time.

4. Feeding kid homemade sweet potatoes and mangoes.

5. Getting car insurance on the Orange-mobile.

6. Lunch

7. Goodbye to hubby as he heads off to work

8. An hour of screaming by baby who is waaaaay overdue for nap

9. Reading some blogs and emails while baby finally naps

10. Dog walking and grocery shopping

11. Dinner

12. Trying unsuccessfully to load Microsoft Money

To the present trying to figure out what the purpose of today was. I think I'm having a bit of an existential crisis. Too much running through my head and I can't get my hands around expressing it. Maybe I'll knit for a while and come back when I can make more sense.

The nutgraph for this post: The baby's crying again, and sleep deprived people don't make much sense. Oh well.

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